The Valkyrie Scoop Teaser

It's August, Valkyries!

Hey Valkyries! How’s your August going? Each month, we want to keep you posted on all things we’re reading, watching, and/or listening to. And just life in general. As we always say: stories go beyond books. So here, we want to tell you about the shows we’ve been binging, the songs on replay, the art that haunts us, and the stories we can’t put down.

We invite you to join in the conversation ♥ In fact, we’re dying to hear from you! Give our monthly scoop a little read & drop us a few lines with your own story adventures.

Morgan Wilson

Morgan Wilson

I have returned from the land of the sleepless nights! Well partially returned, there’s still not a whole lot of sleep in this valkyrie’s household, but the sweet baby snuggles and giggles are all worth it. I’m finally getting time to read and just finished Meet Cute Diary, a YA RomCom that is not my usual speed, but I loved it! Still on my list is Small Favors by Erin Craig and the next in the Otherside series by Whitney Hill.

I’ve been reading lots of baby books, the favorite being All the Love in the World by Rose Bunting and Olivia Chin Mueller.

I have gotten to watch lots of movies and tv shows while I’m wrapped up with baby, Wandavision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Umbrella Academy, Shadow and Bone, Luca and Raya and the Last Dragon! Maybe one day I’ll be able to watch full length movies without having to break them up into twenty minute intervals! 

Ari Augustine

I haven’t been in a good reading mood for awhile. I think it’s because May-July were intense months of so many client edits and house woes that I haven’t been able to relax properly.

Staring a book isn’t hard, but finishing them has been a bit of a struggle this month. Most of what I’ve been reading has been web comics, manga, collections, or the shorter end of novels. Nothing longer than maybe 300-350 pages. But I have been able to find a story here and there that I’ve enjoyed.

I just finished Deal With An Elf King By Elise Kova, which was an entertaining read. I was only mildly disappointed with one aspect of it, but I definitely recommend it if you like magic and faeries. I also read Your Soul Is a River by Nikita Gill, which was uplifting and full of reflections. 

I’m currently reading The Golden Forest by Yoon So-Rie (ongoing webcomic on Manta), To Your Eternity by Yoshitoki Ōima, and Parting the Veil by Paulette Kennedy. All of them are thrilling and fantastical reads so far.

Reading aside, I’ve been devouring episodes of Motherland: Fort Salem, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and Fear the Walking Dead. I’m in one of those moods for thrills, chills, and screams…which all three shows have met in their own way.

Lastly, I’ve been listening to I Lost a Friend by Finneas. It’s kind of mirroring my current split from a BFF, but the melody is also soothing in a mournful, reflective way.

Jen at Bookish Valhalla

Gwen Diamond

I’m currently reading The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov. It’s a book that was recommending while Loki on Disney+ aired as it has a similar theme of time travel. It’s not a genre that I read often so I’m excited to see how it goes.

I’m currently watching the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. It is a little hard to watch as someone who cut cable, but it’s exciting to watch athletes compete where I can. 

We’d love to hear what you’ve been reading, watching, or listening to!