Hey Valkyries!

One of the greatest parts of the book-loving community is discovering, much to one’s nerdy delight, all the reading-related holidays you never knew existed. And let’s be honest, most of the fun is stumbling across random facts that have been under our noses all along. Of course, not all of these “holidays” are officially-official days of celebration, but this doesn’t mean we can’t indulge them, or share them with the reading universe.

Side note: we’ve added a handful of other observances happening this month which we believe to be underrepresented in literature and/or just as important to include our reading endeavors.

So, without further ado, here’s a guide to all the reading-related-and-totally-bookish holidays taking place in April.

National Poetry Month 

April is National Poetry Month, which gives us the perfect excuse to assault the reading community with all our favorite poets and their works. Keep your eyes peeled for these posts each week, as we’ll be unearthing lesser-known wordsmiths for you to devour. (plus we all know poetry is a quick and easy way to hit those reading challenges 😉).

April is also Sexual Assault  and Stress Awareness month.

Holidays & Celebrations
In April By Day:

April 2: Children’s Book Day

April 2: World Autism Awareness Day

April 4: National School Librarian Day

April 4: 1984 Day

(the protagonist began writing his book on 4/4/84)

April 5: National Read A Roadmap Day

April 9: National Library Workers Day

April 10: Encourage a Young Writer Day

April 10: National Bookmobile Day

April 12: Drop Everything And Read Day

April 13: National Scrabble Day

April 15: Celebrate Teen Literature Day

April 16: National Librarian Day

April 17: National Haiku Poetry Day

April 22: Earth Day

April 23: World Book and Copyright Day

April 23: National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

April 24: The Library of Congress is created in 1800

April 25: National Poem In Your Pocket Day

April 27: National Tell A Story Day

April 28: National Great Poetry Reading Day

Last Saturday in April: Independent Bookstore Day

Excited to celebrate these bookish holidays? Did any of these tickle your inner nerd?