Title: Travelers
Series: Travelers Series
Author: Al Hess
Genre: Cozy Apocalyptic
Publisher: Amazon, Self
Format: E-Book
Summary: Amid monsters, marauders, and mysterious drones, is there room for a place to call home?
Owl Melonvine ended an abusive relationship and fled town, intent to start over somewhere new, only to lose her way in the barren deserts of post-apocalyptic America.
After a terrifying cliff fall nearly claims her life, a fellow wanderer comes to her aid. The nameless Islander, imposing and aloof, isn’t an ideal traveling companion, let alone someone Owl wants to get close to after her last devastating relationship. But there are worse dangers around each bend of the road–putrid trashdogs, blood-thirsty highwaymen, and foreign drones–and inviting him along as protection is safer than going it alone.
When an encroaching slaver army threatens to destroy not only Owl’s intended destination, but her childhood home, it seems there are no more places of comfort left in the wasteland… except the enigmatic man traveling with her. He’s offered to take her farther than intended, to a place the army can’t reach.
Despite her growing feelings, the pain and mistrust from old wounds is hard to heal. Following him to somewhere as mysterious as he is could lead to danger. But there might be a chance at a new home and fresh shot at love, if Owl can break down the walls around her heart.
Opening Thoughts
I came across Al Hess and his Travelers series in a writing group and when it went on sale on Amazon, I decided to snap it up. AND OH.MY.GOSH. I am so glad I did, I love post-apocalyptic, give me all those end of the world, everything as we know it is over goods. However, this isn’t your normal apocalypse, Al writes cozy apocalypse, meaning instead of the really dark nitty-gritty chaos that I’m used to was replaced with a lot of feel-goods and happy moments. Yes, there were some dark, scary moments, but in the end my faves got a happy ending. Honestly, that happy ending was exactly what I needed this month, so read on to find out more about Travelers!
What I Loved About Travelers
Alright, I went into this 100% not knowing what to expect and I was immediately inundated with a very interesting world. Travelers is set in a post-apocalypse America, 150+ years after a virus ravaged the the entire Americas. I know a virus story, right now? Trust me, it doesn’t even play more than a passing mention/explanation and then it’s gone. The focus is all on the current time and our main MC, Owl and our hunky love interest Trav.
Let’s start with Owl. I love her. She’s got some baggage and it’s clear she’s been through A LOT, which we learn about over the course of the story without it being an info dump. She’s cautious, independent, a little skittish, but determined. She’s not quite sure what she’s looking for but it’s got to be better than where she came from. Owl came from a farming town called Hawthorne and left in hopes of finding her brother and a better life. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Instead she’s on the run and finds herself in the desolate waste between settlements where highwaymen lurk behind every ridge and ramshackle hut.
Trav is our Islander and loooovveeee interest. He’s sweet, caring, patient and most importantly, understanding. Literally, the perfect hunk. He saves Owl when she falls (quite a long ways) and gets injured. Owl assumes the worst of him, can’t blame her at all for that, but eventually over time the two bond and become close *wink*. He comes from a chain of islands off the coast where he doesn’t quite fit in either, as he is albino and is treated very differently for it. On the mainland, he isn’t treated much better so he spends much of his time before meeting Owl alone and being harassed by other survivors.
Together they traverse quite a swath of land, saving each other multiple times, saving other people and meeting some very interesting characters. Sasha was probably my favorite of them (he gets his own story later in the series!), a Russian who flies drones around America investigating the different settlements and their population. His English isn’t the best and he is a raging alcoholic but you come to understand him along with Owl and Trav. In the end he even helps them escape and get back to the coast where Owl and Trav end up living happily ever after (sort of) on Trav’s island.
After multiple encounters with highway men, trashdogs and unrelenting dystopia, the pair also have to contend with prejudice and harassment from almost every person they meet. Trav is an Islander and albino and is very misunderstood. Owl, when on Trav’s home island, faces the same thing from the other Islanders.
I’m trying not to give everything away, which is so so hard, because I could just gush, but suffice to say things end up happy for all parties. This is a COZY apocalypse story after all. The plot was perfectly paced to keep me interested and lots of things happened that I did NOT expect. The character growth was beautiful and was completely natural and the love and trust that builds between Owl and Trav was well done. I completely loved this story and have already purchased the rest of the SERIES so I can read them all and learn more about this new world.
I Wasn't a Fan of...
There was one plot point I wasn’t thrilled with, it was just resolved too easily BUT again I’ve never read a cozy apocalyptic before so I wasn’t expecting a happy ending. I kept WAITING for someone to die or truly horrible, awful things to happen, but they never really came which threw me off a bit. That’s on ME though, not the author.
I also would have loved more world building overall, I just wanted so much more detail about everything that happened up until the story, we got hints and little bits but I want to know everything. I’m sure that I will get all of it as the series goes on, but I was left with some questions that need answers.
And honest here, that’s it. Those are the only things that left me unsatisfied, BUT it’s a very, very fleeting feeling. There are too many other things to love about this story.
Verdict & Recommendation
So final thoughts, YOU SHOULD GO READ THIS BOOK. Then buy the whole damn series and enjoy yourself with this cozy, happy ending apocalypse. I started this book at about 10pm and stayed up until 2am to finish because once I started I. Could. Not. Stop. I had to know what happened, I needed to know that Owl and Trav ended up together. I needed to know what happened with Sasha and the drones. I had to have the ending and by the end I was so connected with Owl that I messaged the author to make sure I was going to get more of her later in the series.
So obviously this gets our 4 ravens verdict: All-Nighter because I stayed up to read it, I couldn’t go to bed not knowing!
There’s plenty more to read in this series! And so much more to find out. To learn more about the author check out @cultofsasha on Twitter where you can learn more about this work and others. To find their books to read for yourself check here. The whole series is complete so you won’t have to stop, you can just cruise right on there and learn all about this world and fall in love with these characters just like I did.
Thank you Al for the chance to read your story and dive into this world! I thoroughly loved it and can’t wait to read more!

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