We’ve finally arrived in 2023 with everything intact. Well, mostly. There might be a few scratches, dings, and dents. Nothing a bit of whiskey self-love won’t fix, though.

Last year was a chaotic hot mess (seriously, who did the universe let into the kitchen?). Life kept shifting beneath our feet, and we remain unconvinced this year won’t be the same. After all, where there are humans, there are problems. Changes and unexpected twists. That’s just inevitable. Still, we remain hopeful that not all of 2023 will be madness and mayhem.

Every year, we talk about the things we wish to exile and let go of in our lives. This year, however, Alexi and I are taking on a new perspective. One that shifts our gazes toward things we want to embrace in 2023 rather than get rid of. After much-needed reflection, this is what we came up with.

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Alexi: What I Want to Embrace In 2023

Looking back at the last couple of years, it has been nothing but a dumpster fire. However, through those years, they were chocked full of self-exploration and I overcame personal challenges. With moving to a new state in 2022, I felt like I was given a new beginning. So, in 2023, I want to treat it as a personal soft reboot. I want to take what I learned about myself and the world around me and apply it. It’s time to start living and it’s time to take on new, thrilling challenges.
Jen at Bookish Valhalla
What I want to work on in 2023 is to be kinder to myself. As the saying goes, “you are your own worst critic.” My personal criticism of myself has gotten in the way of beginning my career after graduation, from getting out into the world, and working on personal projects. There was a saying in my house when I was growing up, “feel the fear and do it anyway.” That saying helped me through high school, through a difficult job, and through college when I didn’t think I could do it. You know what? I am more than capable. I graduated from a university and my GPA wasn’t half bad if I do say so myself. So I want to bring back that motto and work past my fears. It’s better to fight those fears than let them control you. You never know what you’re capable of until you try.
While 2022 was not my year, I did have an exciting bout of inspiration for a book I want to write. I have, through the years, written some unreleased poems and short stories but I have never written a novel. It has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but have never gotten started. With the fires of inspiration burning, I am very excited to get started and want to make considerable headway with this new year.

Ari: What I Want to Embrace In 2023

Lean Closer Into Stoicism & Buddhism

It’s no secret I’ve been embracing philosophies within stoicism and Buddhism to get a handle on my anxiety. And honestly, it’s been working for me. I had assumed the ideas of “being present” and letting go of things I can’t control would cause anxiety.

Mostly because the idea of not being in control stokes my perfectionism. I’ve been a Type A personality for so long, I couldn’t imagine not being a go-go doer. But with guides like The Daily Stoic and lectures with Shaolin Monk Sheng Heng Yi, I’ve found the opposite to be true. There’s almost a sense of relief and calm when I stop trying to force everything into place.

Instead of fixating on altering the world around me, I want to rebuild from the inside out. To have courage, inner strength, and calm in the face of a chaotic world. That’s how I’m choosing to enter 2023.

Cultivate My Inner Sanctuary

Being in my 30s has taught me that everything is interconnected. My habits aren’t just things I do; they’re ripple effects that impact my emotional and physical well-being. I know my cunning bad habits well:

If I don’t receive enough rest, I won’t be able to meet the day’s problems with a collected, reasonable mindset. Without that mindset, I’m likely to binge on foods that aren’t good for me and find excuses not to get off my couch. If I’m not careful, this can go on for days, and soon, my guilt will feed into this loop, too.

I won’t crack out the whole “my body is a vessel for my soul” because I don’t want to come across as that level of hippie. But I do believe that how we treat ourselves plays a direct role in not only our experiences with the world, but also our ability to achieve our goals within it. That what I eat, do, think, and feel can make or break the kind of day I’m having. Studies show there is a link between our mental health and our physical health.

In 2023, I want to further embrace self-kindness through self-care with a focus on nourishment, movement, mindset, and sleep. I’ve set a few micro-goals:

  • Satiate hunger with nutrient-dense low-fat foods
  • Any kind of intentional physical movement for at least 1 hour a day
  • Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night
  • Drink at least 60oz of water each day

The Backlist and Indie Publishers

Gone are the days of worshiping at the Big Five alter. Of pining after shiny covers and famous author names and the high of the hype. For the last few years, I’ve craved backlist titles and works by unknown artists. Where are the profound adult stories scribbled into existence by strange nobodies? Give me those.

That’s not to say I won’t be readying any traditionally published works—I’ve already pre-ordered a few books—but I want to embrace my quirky reading spirit in 2023 and read books off the beaten path. That’s why I’ve joined Reader Voracious’s Project Backlist and kicked off a 2nd year of the Adult SFF Backlist Books challenge.

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What intentions do you have for 2023? Is there anything you plan to let go of or embrace? Let us know in the comments as we’d love to send support and encouragement throughout the New Year!